Grown organically with a commitment to sustainability and community involvement

If you’ve heard good things about Dominican coffee, it’s not surprising! Our Dominican roast boasts a creamy texture and low acidity, with cupping notes of almonds, walnuts, and chocolate. You'll enjoy the sweet, nutty taste of this coffee, which perfectly complements its smooth and creamy mouthfeel. 

With small, local farms committed to growing high-quality organic beans and growing zones that are unmatched in almost any other region in the world, your taste buds will light up when you try a cup of Dominican coffee. (more information on the next tab)

🔅 Organically Grown

🔅 Medium roast coffee

🔅 Cupping Notes: almonds, walnuts, chocolate

🔅 Low Acid

🔅 100% Arabica beans

🔅 16 oz. (full traditional pound!)

It's no surprise if you've heard great things about Dominican coffee. Despite being one of the smaller producers and exporters of coffee, the country's beans are known for their rich and complex flavors, thanks to the high-altitude growing conditions. However, the country is often overlooked and doesn't receive the recognition it deserves for its exceptional coffee.

MEET THE FARMER: Ramirez Estate

The Ramirez Estate is a family-owned property with a remarkable commitment to environmental and social responsibility. They employ sustainable practices, including using fermented coffee cherries to create natural gas, which partially powers their operation.

Additionally, they are actively engaged in supporting the local community by donating books and computers to local schools, and constructing and funding a new school in a more rural area. This effort has helped to reduce the commute time for young children, who previously had to walk over 15 km each way to attend classes.

The Ramirez family is also dedicated to helping ensure that Haitian immigrants receive fair wages by helping them obtain legal residence in the Dominican Republic. They employ over 400 workers who live and work on the property and make nearly 300% higher wages than Fair Trade Standard.

The Ramirez Estate has  earned recognition for their organic certification and exceptional care for the environment, as well as their high cupping scores. Their comprehensive approach to sustainability and social responsibility has made them a leader in their industry.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Lisa Klassen

Dominican Republic

Shelly Taylor

My husband said he still likes Colombian coffee better—but you can tell it is quality coffee.

Blessing Steiner

We love this coffee!!


I love it ❣️

Emily Hoover
16 year old approved

My 16 year old is a coffee snob and he just told me this morning, " that's some GOOD coffee!"

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